Storytelling Matters
Royal LePage Real Estate Services Ltd., Brokerage
Storytelling Matters
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The New Reality

We are at such interesting times in our lives. We are open books. Our friends, family and colleagues know what we have been doing with our kids, pets, jobs & everything else by what we share on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and now even Snapchat.
Storytelling Matters
It is fascinating to realize that many of the conversations we have today skip over the introductory phases – the feeling out process – that we used to embark upon in just about every conversation. And yet even though so much has changed -  the cocktail party is still the focal
point of our social lives. Whether that party takes place on social media or at the next in-person event, one thing remains constant: The best Storytellers are the ones who receive the greatest amount of attention and consideration by everyone else around them. Given that our cocktail party has moved
online, now more than ever Real estate professionals must harness the power of storytelling to stay relevant. With audience attention spans dwindling, this new attention economy requires us all to become great storytellers to get the attention our business requires in order to survive.
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Real estate professionals are THE most social people in a community. We were the original “social influencers” before that became a modern day term. Most of us came into the industry already knowing so many, and because most of us are naturally "people persons," our friends and neighbors usually gravitate to us.
Storytelling Matters
Storytelling Matters
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Because our homes mean everything to us, social media gives us a unique business advantage.

We are the most trusted source of information about homes. With the power of social media, we have the capability to share personal experiences of working with clients, and continually feed the community's desire to learn, engage and be entertained.

Social Media in Real Estate

Storytelling is a part of who we are. The best storytellers win, because they get us to stop and pay attention.

In the world of real estate marketing, text-heavy flyers turn off audiences. The agents who are successful are the ones who deviate from the pack and evolve into great storytellers. By creating compelling stories using photography, video, and immersive writing, they are able to connect with wider audiences than previously thought possible.

How Do We Connect?

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Not intended to solicit Sellers or Buyers currently under written contract with another Realtor®. This brochure is prepared and issued in good faith and is intended to give a fair summary of the property. Any description or information given should not be relied upon as a statement or representation of fact or that the property or its services are in good condition. The photographs show only certain parts of the property at the time they were taken.
Geoffrey Langford
Brokerage Name, Inc
For more photos and details, view the interactive storybook at
55 Eglinton Ave East, Toronto, ON M4P1G8
For more photos and details, view the interactive storybook at
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